Project Overview

The draft Economic Development Strategy 2023-2026 sets the context for Council activities in the economic development space over the coming years. This three-year plan has involved community consultation with key industries, businesses and individuals from the local business community, as well as in-depth economic analysis of the City’s demographics and economic data.

The draft strategy has been developed to assist Council achieve Goal One of its Strategic Directions Plan 2021-2030; ‘to be an innovative, diverse and growing local economy’ functioning as the commercial, health, education, and community regional hub of the Southern Eyre Peninsula with a focus on supporting productive agriculture, fishing and aquaculture as well as quality tourism and visitor experiences.

From the research undertaken, five themes emerged as the basis for the Economic Development Strategy, and from these themes, an action plan has been developed to be implemented over the next three years.

The key themes which are explored in the draft Strategy and supported by an action plan are as follows:

  • Build Partnerships
  • Plan Growth
  • Develop Capacity
  • Grow Business
  • Seek Investment

This strategy will expand on these themes, identify the actions that we will look to implement to support the themes and improve our overall local economic performance as a community. We look forward to working with our community, industry and businesses to support a flourishing and diversified local economy. The overarching goal of the Economic Development Strategy is to increase the prosperity and liveability of our city.

The Draft Economic Development Strategy 2023-2026 was open for community comment from Thursday 15 December 2022 to 5pm on Thursday 2 February 2023.

Refer to the draft Economic Development Strategy 2023-2026 in the Key Documents section on the right of screen.

Hard copies of the Draft Economic Development Strategy 2023-2026 were made available at the Council Administration Office and Port Lincoln Library from Thursday 15 December 2022 to 5pm on Thursday February 2, 2023.

  • Consultation Open - 15 December 2022

    The public consultation period runs from Thursday 15 December 2022 to 5:00pm, Thursday 2 February, 2023

  • Consultation Closes - 2 February 2023

    The consultation period closes on Thursday 2 February 2023, 5:00pm

  • Ordinary Council Meeting - 20 February 2023

    Adoption of Economic Development Strategy 2023-2026 and Consultation Report

Have Your Say

Members of the community were invited to have their say on the Draft Economic Development Strategy 2023-2026 during the public consultation period which ran from Thursday 15 December 2022 to 5pm on Thursday 2 February 2023.

Council decision

A Consultation Summary Report was prepared and presented to the Council Members at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday 20 February 2023.

All submissions received during the public consultation period have been taken into consideration by Council at the Council Meeting held on Monday 20 February 2023.  The Strategy was adopted at the meeting.

Any enquiries on the Economic Development Strategy can be directed to Council's Manager Economic & Tourism Growth, Naomi Blacker on 8621 2355 or email