The public consultation period is open from Tuesday 21 May 2024 to 5pm Wednesday 12 June 2024.
Each year Council prepares a draft annual business plan and budget detailing the proposed new projects, initiatives and services for the upcoming financial year, how we will fund the plan and current year highlights.
The Draft Plan is strongly tied to Council's 10 year Strategic Directions Plan and is also underpinned by other plans and strategies adopted by Council.
Some key priority projects proposed under the Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget 2024/2025 include:
- Completion of the upgrade to Inclusive Change Facilities at the Ravendale Sporting Complex, to be jointly funded through the Department of Sport and Recreation;
- Progression of the redevelopment of the Council Depot;
- Completion of Safety Upgrade and replacement of the Control Panel on the Marina Footbridge;
- Streetscaping improvements to Dublin and London Streets;
- $800,000 towards Council’s Road Resealing program;
- New fish cleaning station at Axel Stenross and addition of lights at Billy lights Point.
The Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget 2024/25 proposes increases in revenue from rates and service charges as follows:
- Total general rate revenue increase of 6.3%;
- $650 on the Fixed Charge component of the general rate, which is included in the total rate revenue increase of 6.3%;
- Rates to be calculated on Capital Value as per Legislative requirements;
- Unit charges for waste and recycling collection will increase by 6.3% per service;
- Regional Landscape Levy increases on average by 7%, as advised by the Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board.
To view the Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget for 2024/2025 refer to the Key Documents section on the right.
The Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget 2024/2025 includes the Draft Long Term Financial Plan 2025-2034 - Financial Summary.
Hard copies of the Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget for 2024/2025 and Long Term Financial Plan 2025-2034 Financial Summary were made available at the Council Administration Office and Port Lincoln Library from Tuesday 21st May to 5pm Wednesday 12th June 2024.