Provide your feedback on the revised concept plans from Thursday, 20 May 2021 to Friday, 11 June 2021
Maritime Construction has been engaged by Council to undertake the jetty renewal works and includes installation of new piles, plie bracketry, girders and cross bracing plus replacement of decking, kerbing and handrails.
The full cost of renewal of the jetty is $3.1 million and is partially funded by the State Government of South Australia's Local Government Infrastructure Partnership Program.
The budget provides for reconstruction of the jetty up to bent 31 which is three bents past the end of the swimming enclosure with provisional sum to complete up to bent 36 where the jetty narrows. Note: in simple terms a jetty bent: is the "frame" of the jetty that grounds the jetty, the section between two piles to the next.
The Swimming Enclosure will remain closed for the duration of the works.
Jetty renewal works should be completed by the end of October 2023.
Council and the State Government are working together to renew the jetty through the Local Government Infrastructure Partnership Program (LGIPP), the cost of restoring the full lengh of the jetty is more than originally planned. The Expression of Interest (EOI) for philanthropic and/or sponsorship has been advertised and closes on Monday 17 July 2023.
The jetty is measured by the number of bents, and in total, the Port Lincoln Town Jetty consists of 40 bents. On the basis that Council works will extend to Bent 36, the cost to renew the full length of the jetty to Bent 40 requires additional funding of approximately $450,000. Council is hoping that an interested party or parties will contibute to funding the complete renewal of the Port Lincoln Town Jetty whilst the Maritime Construction team are already mobilised on site.
Council is in discussion with Maritime Constructions about the timber. If you are interested in the timber please leave your contact details with Council reception staff and you'll be placed on a register.
Council is committed to deliver 'much needed parts of the seawall and Parnkalla Trail path', when it adopted the Port Lincoln Foreshore Concept Plan in June 2021.
Works at the eastern end of the trail (Port Lincoln Yacht Club end) involve replacing the old concrete path with pavers and are scheduled to be completed by end of July 2023.
Works at the western end of the trail aim to improve accessbility and provide additional protection from coastal erosion. Works is expected to be finished by early September 2023 with all things going to plan, and dependent on tides.
McMahon Services are undertaking some night works on the western end of the Parnkalla Trail and seawall as the tides are lower. These works include trenching, rock and geofabric placement.
Consistent with contemporary playground design the playspace will not be fully fenced. The playspace design has been reviewed by Play DMC, an independent playground inspector.
A 1200mm (1.2m) high post and wire fence will run along the Tasman Terrace side of the playspace with raised garden beds acting as a barrier on the beach side.
The water play area is not designed as a splash park. The water play area is inspired by Eyre Peninsula coastal fish traps. The water play feature includes a rock weir, and steppers, along with water spray and push button connected to mains water.
South Australian contractor Elton Landscapes has been appointed to build the exciting new Nature, Adventure and Junior playspace.
Tenders were invited from companies which were shortlisted through the Request for Expression of Interest process for the supply, delivery, and construction of a new Nature, Adventure and Junior playspace with integrated nature play elements on the Port Lincoln Foreshore.
The short-listed responses were evaluated against the following criteria:
On completion of the evaluation process, Elton Landscapes was identified as demonstrating best overall score and as result the recommended preferred provider.
The contract for the early works demolition package, to remove the dais, was awarded to local company, Kym Clarke Construction partnering with Carl's Excavation following a competitive open RFT (Request for Tender) process.
Elton Landscapes has already made arrangements with local subcontractors - Origin Paving and Landscaping, Chris Cash Plumbing and Gas Fitting and Diggin It Earthworks.
Martin Elton Director has also stated:
"We will be contacting a lot more local companies we have already worked with and others in the near future where we have not already. That said always open if anyone from entry level employee, through to trade or possible subby wants to reach out looking for opportunities. For work on this project or in Adelaide. or 0433 771 654."
The State Government's Local Government Infrastructure Partnership Program is contributing $3.640 million towards the Port Lincoln Foreshore Project, 50% of the funding, with the balance from Council.
Using a hired turf cutter, the Elton Landscapes team have cut the turf to be reused at the Port Lincoln Special School and Cummins Areas School.
The pavers have been carefully removed and stacked onto pallets and are being stored at the depot. The pavers are planned to be reused in a footpath project in Washington Street.
All things going well the playspace will be finished by December 2022.
The Foreshore Redevelopment project is expected to create benefits for Port Lincoln in the areas of tourism, recreation, community connection and event attraction.
The project will deliver:
Decisions about the parking arrangement on the foreshore are not being made in isolation. Importantly, several preceding studies and investigations adopted by Council form the basis for the recommended changes.
Precincts Master Plan
The 2018 co-design workshops and 2019 engagement with the community highlighted a strong desire for the area near the town jetty to be upgraded and 'activated'. As the natural energy centre of our town, this is the prime location on our foreshore - the ideal place to showcase our identity and culture. Elements of play, public art, history and high quality open space can be brought together to create an iconic regional destination for locals and tourists alike.
CBD Access & Car Parking Action Plan
Council's recently adopted CBD Access & Car Parking Action Plan highlights several points relevant to our Foreshore Redevelopment Project:
Along with requests for more parking spaces, feedback on the action plan also highlighted strong community need for more pick up and drop off spaces, short term parking and wheelchair accessible spaces in prominent locations.
Foreshore Redevelopment Project
The Foreshore Redevelopment Project aims to make Port Lincoln’s popular foreshore more accessible for all. Currently people with a disability or mobility issues, families with young children and tour operators struggle to safely access the foreshore. As space in this area is at a premium, any improvements in access for these minority groups will result in a reduction in the number of car spaces. Council has been working hard to minimise this impact.
Under the latest concept plans, Council is proposing reconfiguring the car park to introduce a parallel parking lane. This lane will result in the loss of only six parking spaces, but will deliver key benefits:
Council understands community concern about the loss of car parking spaces and has revised the planned car park reconfiguration to reduce the loss of parking spaces from 23 to 6.
Council has also in March this year created 7 extra car parks in Washington Street to offset any car park loss along the foreshore, and is investigating a further 7 also in Washington Street. Council will continue to work hard to increase access to parking in our CBD and other parts of the foreshore in line with the actions outlined in the recently adopted CBD Access & Car Parking Action Plan. The intention of Council is that the short term actions from this plan (including opening up extra parking spaces) will be delivered prior to the Foreshore Redevelopment Project being completed.
The total Foreshore Redevelopment Project cost is $7.6M, including $350,000 for jetty renewal. This cost has been revised down from an initial precinct plan with an estimated cost of $18m. The project was awarded 50% matching funding of $3.62m in March 2021 through the SA Government’s Local Government Infrastructure Partnership Programme. The total expected cost to Council to deliver the project is $3.62M + $350,000 allocated towards jetty renewal.
Council has been consulting with and listening to the Port Lincoln community since 2018 when work began to create the concept for the Foreshore Redevelopment.
Over this time, surveys and community consultation periods have shown majority support for the project. The jetty upgrade is supported by tour vessel operators and the SA Tourism Commission. Council has actively responded to community concerns with elements of the project, such as the loss of car parking spaces, by working with its contractor to revise the concept designs in response to public feedback. Further, it’s significantly cut the cost of the project from $18m to now $7.24m.
12 April 2022
CBD Access & Car Parking Action Plan Business Forum
28 Jun 2021
Presentation of Final Concept Plan and Parking Strategy for endorsement
16 Jun 2021
Special Meeting to Receive Deputations
17 May 2021
Endorses Final Concept Plan for Consultation & Adopts Parking Consultation Report
May-June 2021
Final Concept Design Consultation
4 May 2021
Concept Design Workshop to review Consultation Feedback
6 April 2021
Concept Design Workshop to review Consultation Feedback
15 Mar 2021
Adopts Concept Consultation Report
Feb-Mar 2021
CBD Access & Car Parking Action Plan Consultation
18 Jan 2021 and 25 Jan 2021
Endorses Parking Paper and Concept Plan for Consultation