City of Port Lincoln, Lower Eyre Council and District Council of Tumby Bay Councils adopted the Draft Southern Eyre Peninsula Regional Public Health Plan 2023 - 2028 at their respective December 2022 ordinary Council meetings.
A new outlook for public health
Southern Eyre Peninsula
The City of Port Lincoln, Lower Eyre Council and District Council of Tumby Bay invited feedback from the community on its draft Southern Eyre Peninsual Regional Public Health Plan 2023 - 2028. In accordance with the SA Public Health Act 2011, the plan outlines the role of councils in health protection in the Southern Eyre Peninsula region.
Responding to a very changed health and wellbeing landscape in recent years, the three councils released the new Regional Public Health Plan to guide their communities over the next 5 years.
The region's first plan was released in 2015. This revision has been updated to include current population and health data, to align with the State's current priorities for public health, and outline the actions and strategies our region's Councils plan to take during the next five years to strive for better health and wellbeing for our communities.
Recognising the challenges and changes forced upon communities by the global COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the effects of financial and cost-of-living pressures upon community members’ health and wellbeing, the health plan is a dynamic and relevant document.
The Councils invited the community to give feedback on the SEPRPHP from 2 March 2023 - 23 March 2023. Hard copies of the Draft Southern Eyre Peninsula Regional Public HealthPlan were made available at theadministration offices of the City of Port Lincoln, District Council of Tumby Bay and Lower Eyre Council during the consultation period.
All feedback has been greatly appreciated.
Refer to the Draft Southern Eyre Peninsula Regional Public Health Plan in the Key Documents section on the right of the screen.