Pursuant to Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1999 and Council’s Public Consultation & Community Engagement Policy 2.63.1, the City of Port Lincoln sought public comment on the proposal to permit the use of an approximately 50m2 section of road reserve by the RAA, being three (3) car parking bays located within the existing car park at the corner of Eyre Street and King Street, commonly referred to as Whirly’s car park, for the establishment of an electric vehicle charging site as part of the statewide Electric Vehicle (EV) Network Program for a maximum term of five (5) years.
A concept plan of the 'Rapid' DC Charge Site is provided in the Key Documents.
It is proposed that three (3) existing car parking bays are required in order to establish the charging site. The three (3) parking bays would be converted to two (2) bays to achieve compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act and relevant Australian Standards. As the land is road reserve, the use of the land for business purposes will be provided by permit under Section 222 of the Local Government Act 1999.
The installation of the 150kW ‘Rapid’ charger requires direct power supply from the adjacent electrical transformer. SA Power Networks has notified the RAA that this transformer will need to be upgraded to facilitate the installation of the charger. The upgrade will be at the cost of the RAA.
The keys terms being requested by RAA are:
- A maximum length permit period of five (5) years.
- The electricity will be sourced directly from the adjacent electrical transformer with an independent NMI meter.
- All installation, maintenance and other ongoing costs are to be borne by RAA.
More information about the RAA Charge Network can be found by following the below links.
RAA Website -www.raa.com.au/motor/motoring-services/ev-charging-network
Department for Energy and Mining Website -www.energymining.sa.gov.au/industry/modern-energy/electric-vehicles/statewide-EV-charging-network
A link provided by the RAA in respect to EV Fire Safety can be found here -www.evfiresafe.com
Council has resolved at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 15 January 2024 as per resolution CO 24/005, refer Minutes in the Key Documents section, to release this matter for public consultation.
Council invited feedback on the proposal from Thursday 18 January to 9am on Friday 9 February 2024.
The information on the proposed site was also available in an information sheet at the Council Administration Office and Port Lincoln Library during the consultation period.
Above image provided by RAA, Statewide EV Charging Network, Nurioopta Rapid Charge Site