Each year Council prepares a draft annual business plan and budget detailing the proposed new projects, initiatives and services for the upcoming financial year, how we will fund the plan and current year highlights.
This coming financial...
The $7.24 million (7.6M) Port Lincoln Foreshore Redevelopment project is set to provide a major visitor drawcard, while also providing an iconic recreational, meeting, tourism and events space for our community.
This foreshore project has...
At the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Monday 18 October 2021 Council made the decision to:
The Open Space Strategy will be a key strategic document which will sit alongside Council's Strategic Management Plans and will influence the direction and scope of open space planning, projects, renewal and maintenance over the next five...
At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Monday 18 October 2021 Council:
Each year Council prepares a draft annual business plan and budget detailing the proposed new projects, initiatives and services for the upcoming financial year, how we will fund the plan and current year highlights.
The Draft Plan is...
In early 2021 the City of Port Lincoln developed and adopted the CBD Access and Car Parking Action Plan. An identified action from this plan was the need to review and implement locally required adjustments to on-street parking time limits.
...Pursuant to Section 202 of the Local Government Act 1999, the City of Port Lincoln Community Land Management Plan No. 1 and Public Consultation & Community Engagement Policy 2.63.1, the City of Port Lincolnsought public comment on the...
The draft Economic Development Strategy 2023-2026 sets the context for Council activities in the economic development space over the coming years. This three-year plan has involved community consultation with key industries, businesses and...
A new outlook for public health
Southern Eyre Peninsula
The City of Port Lincoln, Lower Eyre Council and District Council of Tumby Bay invited feedback from the community on its draft Southern Eyre...
The Sport and Recreation Strategy provides a blueprint for Council’s contribution to sport and recreation for our community.
It will assist in the delivery of Council’s Strategic Directions Plan’s Goal 2: Liveable...
In 2021 City of Port Lincoln initially proposed to include a dog park as part of a concept plan for Nelson Square and presented the concept plan to the community for feedback. Community consultation was conducted from 16 September 2021 to 7...
City of Port Lincoln invited the community to give feedback on the new design concept for the enhancement of Nelson Square from Thursday 19 January 2023 to 4pm on Thursday 9 February 2023.
Previous community consultation was conducted on...
Council has resolved to lease portions of Council land, known as the South Lake Waterway to adjacent landowners with an existing or proposed pontoon subject to Community Consultation.
Comment was sought in relation to Council’s...
Each year Council prepares a draft annual business plan and budget detailing the proposed new projects, initiatives and services for the upcoming financial year, how we will fund the plan and current year highlights.
The Draft Plan is...
The City of Port Lincoln undertook some research into the use of the Port Lincoln Marina Wharf and sought views from both the commercial users of the wharf and the general public.
By the Port Lincoln Marina Wharf area, we are referring to...
The City of Port Lincoln has adopted its first Empowering our elders: A Strategy for Living and Ageing Well in Port Lincoln.
This strategy responds to an ageing population and new challenges for people as they grow older, the strategy,...
The City of Port Lincoln has prepared a Draft Housing Strategy to respond to pressing housing availability and affordability concerns. The Strategy will help ensure that the city grows sustainably, thrives and is a great place to live, work and...
Pursuant to Section 202 of the Local Government Act 1999 and Council's Public Consultation & Community Engagement Policy 2.63.1, City of Port Lincoln hereby seeks public comment on the proposal to enter into a new Licence Agreement with...
A council must, within 12 months after the conclusion of each periodic election (November 2022), review the operation of its code of practice, 18.63.1 Code of Practice - Access to Meetings & Documents, pursuant to section 92 (5) of the Local...